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Your feedback is very important and helps us to improve our service. If you’d like to provide any comments, feedback or complaints you could speak with the practice manager, doctor or receptionist, write us a letter or fill in a feedback form and hand it to the receptionist. If you are not satisfied with our response to any complaints you might have, you may contact:


 NSW Health Care Complaints Commission  

Locked Bag 18, Strawberry Hills, NSW 2012     

Phone: 1800 043 159


         Why we need to identify you: We are required to identify you each time you come to the practice – even if we know you well. We will use 3 separate identifiers each time – name, address, date of birth or phone number.  It also helps us keep your information up to date.  This is done to make sure we are providing care to the right patient each time and always have your correct details.




 is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal health information.

Our Privacy Policy is available on request



We value your feedback!

There are patient feedback forms and a suggestion box in the waiting room



Patient complaints can be directed to the Stockton Surgery Principal:


In the event we are unable to resolve a complaint, Health Care Complaints Commission can be contacted on

1800 043 159

MBS Code of Conduct





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